Rating: 5 Stars
Another amazing story by Ruta Sepetys. The story follows a Lithuanian family that were forced out of their home, separated from their father/husband and forced to work ungodly tasks and hours in a concentration camp. Not the most pleasurable reading, but inspiring none the less.
What gives this book 5 stars?
1.) The fearlessness and courage of the main character Lina during a time of complete torture is truly inspiring. Her hope of finding and reconnecting with her father is so strong throughout the story.
2.) The mother is also a very fearless woman that maintains order, love and kindness among the other reoccurring characters in the concentration camp(s).
3.) In this story you will learn about a side of WWII that has not mentioned in most history context. I appreciate the author for writing about this particular piece of history that has not been acknowledged as much as it deserves to be.